Bushfire Zone Decking

Bushfires are a great threat to many Australian homes. We will determine the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) rating for your property and assess where it is within the threat scale. Next we will follow the guidelines to comply with the fire safety requirements set out in AS 3959-2009, to ensure your decking mitigates the threat of a potential bushfire.

  • Sealing timber with non-combustible seal

  • Filling in large opening with ember guards such as perforated mesh with 2mm openings.
  • Enclose the subfloor of the veranda using resisting timbers such as Tallowwood, Spotted Gum, Ironback, which are timbers that are approved under the Australian Standard AS3959.
  • Ensure the decking is has gaps at 2-4mm maximum
  • Remove any flammable shrubs and woodchips
  • Use decorative stones and materials that are fire resistant
  • Recommend fire resistant plant species
  • We offer steel deck framing, which is a fire resistant and non-combustible material
  • We offer the installation of HardieDeck boards with is made from non-combustible material